1968: Weeks 41-43

Posted on November 1, 2008
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Weekly timeline for 1968: A year of change and tumult

October 7: The Motion Picture Association of America adopts its film-rating system (G,M,R,X), ranging from “G” for “general” audiences to “X” for adult patrons only. The system was fathered by Jack Valenti (1921-2007), head of the MPAA.

October 7: “I Love You, Alice B. Toklas,” starring Peter Sellers, opens.

romeo.jpgOctober 8: Franco Zeffirelli’s “Romeo and Juliet” opens.

October 9: Francis Ford Coppola’s “Finian’s Rainbow,” starrin Fred Astaire, Petula Clark and Tommy Steele, opens.

October 10: Roger Vadim’s “Barbarella,” starring Jane Fonda, opens.

October 11: Apollo 7, the first manned Apollo mission, is launched from Cape Kennedy with astronauts Wally Schirra, Donn Fulton Eisele and R. Walter Cunningham aboard. It mkes 163 orbits in 260 hours.

Ocftober 11: Jane Krakowski is born in Parsippany, New Jersey.

October 12: The Summer Olympic Games open in Mexico City. The games are boycotted by 32 African nations in protest of South Africa’s participation.

October 12: Hugh Jackman is born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia .

October 14: The first live telecast from a manned U.S. spacecraft is transmitted from Apollo 7.

October 16: Richard Fleischer’s “The Boston Strangler,” starring Tony Curtis and Henry Fonda, opens.

blackpower.jpgOctober 16: Two black American athletes make history at the Mexico Olympics by staging a silent protest against racial discrimination. Tommie Smith and John Carlos, gold and bronze medallists in the 200m, stand with their heads bowed and a black-gloved hand raised in the black power salute during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

October 17: “Bullitt,” starring Steve McQueen, opens.

October 17: Ziggy Marley is born in Kingston, Jamaica.

October 20: Former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy marries Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis on the island of Scorpios.

brit_riot.jpgOctober 27: Trouble flares in Grosvenor Square, London, after an estimated 6,000 marchers face police outside the United States Embassy. The protesters had broken away from another, bigger, march against U.S. involvement in Vietnam but were confronted by a wall of police. The turnout for the march was around 25,000.


The Whole World Was Watching: An oral history of 1968. A joint project between South Kingstown High School and Brown University’s Scholarly Technology Group
Timelines of History
Timeline 1968
Rock Timeline
Wikipedia Music Timeline
Frank Eugene Smitha’s Macrohistory and World Report


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