These are the times that try men’s souls

What with the election of a narcissistic, reality TV star, pathological liar as a president, and faced with a cabinet composed of ultra-rich elites and white supremacists keen on feeding off the hands of corporate vested interests … all bent on dismantling everything that humanists have fought for decades (progressive environmental, gender, health, educational and […]

Indignez-vous! (Time for Outrage)

From The Nation. Toward the end of 2010, a small book by a 93-year-old man unexpectedly reached the  summit  of  the  best-seller  list  in  France. Indignez-vous! by Stéphane Hessel sold more than 600,000  copies  between October  and  the end of December. Stéphane Hessel, born in 1917, grew up in a rich literary milieu, authoring novels […]


In honor of the new year, Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency, his cabinet of misinformation, and the lies being propagated as truths (or alternate facts), we hereby reprint George Orwell’s “Politics and the English Language” from 1946. By the way, Orwell’s “1984,” as well as Huxley’s “Brave New World,” both staples of the counter-culture […]

Art Sex Music

Cosey Fanni Tutti. co-temptress along with Genesis P-Orridge of COUM Transmissions, the quintessential 1960s/70s performance and mail art group, and co-founder of ground-breaking prototypical Industrial Music group Throbbing Gristle, has just announced her long-awaited memoir, Art Sex Music, which will be published in the UK in early 2017. COUM Transmissions was a confrontational and subversive […]

An Angel, a Lady and a Ballplayer

DREAMSVILLE’S WEEK IN DVD Here’s a delightful, often overlooked gem from director Howard Hawks, starring a notoriously suave and daredevil Cary Grant and the always lovely, bewitching Jean Arthur, and featuring Hawks’ penchant for verbal wit and visual craftsmanship. “Only Angels Have Wings” (1939) stars Arthur as a traveling entertainer who gets more than she […]

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