1968: Weeks 31-34

Posted on August 21, 2008
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Weekly timeline for 1968: A year of change and tumult

Week 31: July 29-August 4:

hang-em.jpgJuly 29: Pope Paul VI issues the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reaffirms the Church’s opposition to abortion and to all contraception except the rhythm method.

July 30: Saddam Hussein takes charge of internal security services in Iraq.

July 31: Clint Eastwood’s “Hang ‘Em High” and “The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,” starring Alan Arkin and Sondra Locke, open theatrically.

Week 32: August 5 – 11:

August 8: At Republican National Convention convention in Miami Beach the GOP nominates Richard Milhouse Nixon to be their presidential candidate. The next day Nixon appoints Spiro Agnew of Maryland as his running mate. Nixon had been challenged in his campaign by Nelson Rockefeller of New York, and Ronald Reagan of California.

August 8: A race riot breaks out in Miami.

August 9: Actor Eric Bana is born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; and writer-producer-director McG is born in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

August 10: Race riots take place in Miami, Chicago and Little Rock, Arkansas.

August 11: Musician Charlie Sexton is born in San Antonio, Texas.

Week 33: August 12 -18:

August 14: Actress Catherine Bell is born in London.

August 14: Pirate Radio Free London begins transmitting.

August 15: Peter Bogdanovich’s “Targets” opens.

August 15: Actress Debra Messing is born in Brooklyn.

August 16: Actor Donovan Leitch is born in England.

Week 34: August 19 – 25:

prague.gifAugust 20: The Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia with over 200,000 Warsaw pact troops, putting an end to the “Prague Spring.”

August 23: Simon and Garfunkel give a live concert at the Hollywood Bowl; the recording is later released on CD in 1994 by the Australian company Vigotone Records as “Voices of Intelligent Dissent.”

August 24: France became the world’s fifth thermonuclear power after it explodes a hydrogen bomb in the South Pacific.

August 24: Arthur Ashe becomes the first black to win a U.S. Tennis Singles championship.


The Whole World Was Watching: An oral history of 1968. A joint project between South Kingstown High School and Brown University’s Scholarly Technology Group
Timelines of History
Timeline 1968
Rock Timeline
Wikipedia Music Timeline
Frank Eugene Smitha’s Macrohistory and World Report


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