Letter From LA: 03-18-2021

We had a glorious short burst of rain Tuesday night, March 9, which left the city sparkling with puffy white clouds, clean air and baby-blue skies. It was a gorgeous, brisk winter day, the kind of weather that most likely drew thousands and thousands of emigrants to Southern California decades ago (along, of course, with […]

The Best DVDs and Blu-rays of 2020

There was definitely a paucity of new movie releases last year, with most of the studios holding back their films until the COVID pandemic is over. And the films that have gone straight-to-streaming have been pretty unremarkable. Herewith is out Best of 2020 list, albeit short. And since it was a year of stay-at-home viewing, […]

Letter From LA: 03-08-2021

First off, I wanted to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday last month. It’s taken me awhile to process three-quarters of a century of insanity, from radioactive rain and drop drills to Donald Trump and COVID, but I popped back. So thank you. Next I want to report that I got my Pfizer […]