Madness and Laing

Schizophrenia, a disease marked by distorted thinking, hallucinations and reduced ability to feel normal emotions, has long been associated with heredity. Recently, some researchers have come close to pinpointing the gene responsible for a susceptibility to the disease — and have come up with a theory that comes close to validating the work of one […]

Notes From the Apocalypse

Worried that the end is at hand? Then add this to your Apocalyptic Notebook: Unless someone or something stops it soon, the mysterious killer that is wiping out many of the nation’s honeybees could have a devastating effect on the world’s dinner plate. Honeybees don’t just make honey; they pollinate such crops as apples, nuts, […]

Pop Goes Monterey

It’s been 40 years since the Monterey International Pop Festival shook the fledgling rock world and helped establish the counterculture and the Summer of Love. In June of 1967, the spirit of “Music, Love and Flowers” brought more than 200,000 people to Monterey, California to participate in the world’s first rock festival. Performers from San […]

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