Letter From LA: Winter 2024

This past holiday season was the first time in 15 years that I didn’t send out electronic holiday cards; I’ve been bogged down by so much depressing news about life in Los Angeles as well as the sad state of world affairs that I just lost track of time (here’s a sampling of past holiday […]

Letter From LA: Fall 2023

“This city is going crazy,” my Lyft driver muttered, as we watched a car make a left turn right in front of a speeding ambulance, sirens wailing to wake the dead. “People have lost respect for order and laws, they’ve lost their human kindness and dignity,” he said. “And that hurts.” It’s been more than […]

Jean-Luc Godard: 1930-2022

Letter From LA: Spring 2022

 It’s been more than six months since my last Letter; this winter was a mind-numbing jumble of ill tidings that, to paraphrase Shakespeare, was a winter of (my) discontent, with little to celebrate, to write about. I can’t remember such despair on the U.S. stage since the dark days of the war in Vietnam: Book […]

Where the ‘Moonwalk’ Came From

Was going through some old videos and came across this gem. Here’s a little bit of soft shoe from one of my favs, Bob Hope, from “Road to Zanzibar” — Michael Jackson didn’t have anything on this dude.

keep looking »