1968: Week 21

Posted on May 18, 2008
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Weekly timeline for 1968: A year of change and tumult

May 20: Millions of workers occupy factories, mines and offices in France as students and workers protest capitalism and the war in Vietnam.

May 20: The Who’s Pete Townshend marries Karen Astley.

May 22: The nuclear-powered U.S. submarine Scorpion, with 99 men aboard, sinks in the Atlantic Ocean. The remains of the sub are later found on the ocean floor 400 miles southwest of the Azores.

May 23: Dissident farmers form command squads to disrupt highway traffic to protest government agriculture policies in southwestern France,

May 23: In Belgium, students occupy the Free University of Brussels and say they will remain until their demands are met for changes in curriculum, teaching methods, examinations and the structure of the university.

May 24: French President de Gaulle proposes a referendum and students set fire to Paris. Rioters set fire to the Paris Bourse.

ogdens.jpgMay 24: English rock band Small Faces release the critically and financially successful art concept album “Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flake.”

May 25 In Paris, a student demonstration that started peacefully the day before turns into the most violent and widespread battle with the police since the student revolt began.

May 25: The Rolling Stones release “Jumpin’ Jack Flash.”

May 25: Charles K. Feldman, Hollywood super agent and producer (“Casino Royale”), dies at age 64 in Beverly Hills.

May 26: France’s striking workers gain a 35 per cent increase in minimum wages.


The Whole World Was Watching: An oral history of 1968. A joint project between South Kingstown High School and Brown University’s Scholarly Technology Group
Timelines of History
Timeline 1968
Rock Timeline
Wikipedia Music Timeline
Frank Eugene Smitha’s Macrohistory and World Report


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